What Can We Understand Of Jesus’s Parable Of The Good Samaritan/ Do we Understand The Moral Requirements Of God
I am going to get to a little religious approach but respect everyone regardless of religion but that approach of mine is mostly to approach those who practice Christianity so therefore have already read passages of the bible. It is to them I want to review that part of the passage.
So for those who do not know the story of the Good Samaritan, we all form reading that that little parable started as someone who was an expert of the law ask to jesus what can be done in order to be part of the life which he has come to set “Eternal Life” addressing him in these words “what must I do to inherit eternal life?” and Jesus responding to him in these words “What is written in the Law?” and him replying “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.” and as Jesus approved of his answer as it was the Mosaic giving law of God, in order to challenge him he questioned him in these words “And who is my neighbor?” and this is how Jesus came up with the story or parable of the “Good Samaritan”
The parable of the good samaritan tells us about a man who was heading to the land of Jericho then was attacked by robbers who stripped him naked beating him as follows and let him near death. The story tells us that a priest came through, saw him there rounded as he was but did not care and went away doing nothing. Another who was a levite did the same thing but only a man who was a samaritan who was traveling saw his state and felt bad and helped him by washing his wounds and then putting him on his donkey and drove him to an inn. The following day he gave the inn owner some money in order to watch after him for he had to go back to his duty but promising to reambourse him more as he came back. Concluding the story he asked the man which man was able to love his neighbor of all the law experts and the expert responded correctly by saying “The one who had mercy on him.”
The whole story can be found in the passage of Luke chapter ten verses thirty to thirty five however the overall story starts from chapter ten versus twenty five to thirty five.
The parable holds many themes and approaches but as Jesus told to his disciples not all have ears to hear but those who do may they. Though I wonder if there are people who have ears to hear how many there are.
First of all something I wish to clarify is that what Jesus means by hear to hear is an open heart to understand. Those who have a heart of understanding will listen with their heart and will get it.
Another theme of the parable is that our brothers are not only the blood related. Our brothers are als those we have never met. As it is known form the stories of the bible that samaritan and Jews were very apart and did not even exchange words Though I wonder what is going on in the world for if that parable was understood there are words I hear a lot I would not have I believe such as “They are not my blood related” or else. If not it is claimed that they prefer begging than working but we do not know their lives and what their situations were.
Another and last impressive message of that parable is that it is approaching us that those whom we despise the most, believing ourselves to be different from them can be better than ourselves. For samaritans were accorded words by jews for jews were known to be purer than them. Also sometimes even authorities and well respected people may not be good models for the two who despised the wounded man were high standard people, levite and priests so respected by people and chosen by God. We are taught that sometimes authorities do not do what is right but those who we do not consider may be the wise.
I believe that it would be right to throw away the principles taught by our ego and start considering those given by God. we must beware of distinguishing ourselves from people. And instead of criticizing or judging those we see on the street homeless, it is better to do something. Humans choose their own meaning of God’s rule in order not to apply them as required and today there are so many ideologies about how should we live our lives but I believe that it is time for us to look in the one source of Humans Wisdom. It is time for us to start paying attention to the rules of God.